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Writer's pictureJames Hurst

Why Massage Therapy Helps Your Muscles Say What They’ve Been Holding In (And Why That’s a Good Thing)

Updated: Sep 25

You know the drill: you book a massage because your back’s been screaming at you, or your shoulders feel like they’re glued to your ears. You’re expecting to leave feeling a bit more human, a bit more able to take on whatever life throws next. But what you didn’t expect was to find yourself tearing up on the treatment table, or worse, laughing uncontrollably. What’s that all about?

Here’s the thing: your muscles aren’t just dealing with the physical toll of your day-to-day life. They’re holding onto emotions, memories, and all the life stuff you didn’t even realise was packed in there. So, when someone (Me!) starts to work through that tension, your body sees its chance to finally let go - not just physically, but emotionally too.

An image of a female showing emotions

Photo by Tom Caillarec on Unsplash

Your Body is More Than Just Muscles

We often treat our bodies like they’re just a bunch of muscles and bones that need the occasional tune-up. But that’s only part of the picture. Your body is also a storage unit for all the stress, emotions, and experiences you’ve been through. Every worry, every joy, every heartbreak - it’s all in there somewhere, even if you’re not consciously aware of it.

When you come in for a massage, you’re likely thinking about the tension in your neck or that nagging discomfort in your lower back. But what you might not realise is that these physical sensations can be tied to something much deeper. Maybe it’s the stress of a big project at work that’s been weighing you down. Or maybe it’s an old grief you haven’t fully processed. Whatever it is, it’s in your body, and it’s just waiting for the right moment to be released.

The Emotional Release You Didn’t Expect

Let’s talk about those tears or that unexpected laughter. Why do they happen? When your body finally feels safe - when it knows it’s being cared for and listened to - it starts to let go of everything it’s been holding onto. This isn’t just some abstract idea; there’s real science behind it (read my other journal entry about 'The Body Keeps the Score').

When we experience stress, our bodies release chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline. These chemicals are essential in the short term (like when you’re dealing with a tight deadline), but they’re not meant to hang around. Over time, this unrelieved stress can build up in your body. So when you start to work on that tension, your body responds by releasing the emotions tied to it. It’s like opening a valve on a pressure cooker - once it starts, everything has to come out.

And that’s not just okay - it’s a good thing. Emotional release during a massage or soft tissue treatment is your body’s way of saying, “Finally, I can let this go.” It’s a sign that your body is healing, not just physically, but emotionally too.

Why You’re Not Alone in This

If you’ve ever found yourself tearing up or laughing out loud during a session, you might have felt embarrassed or confused. Maybe you apologised, or tried to hold it in. But here’s the truth: you’re not alone, and there’s absolutely no need to apologise. These reactions are completely normal, and as a soft tissue therapist, I see them all the time.

When you’re on my treatment table, you’re in a safe space. This is a space where you can let go of whatever you’ve been carrying. Whether that means shedding a few tears, breaking into unexpected laughter, or simply letting out a deep, relieved sigh - it’s all part of the process, and it’s all welcome here. My job isn’t just to work on your muscles; it’s to help you release whatever’s been weighing you down, in whatever form that takes.

How to Embrace the Process

So, how do you embrace this process? Start by giving yourself permission to feel whatever comes up. If tears start to flow, let them. If you feel like laughing, go ahead. Trust that your body knows what it needs to do to heal, and sometimes, that healing goes beyond the physical.

Remember, your body is incredibly wise. It knows when it’s time to let go, and sometimes it just needs a little help to do so. That’s why you’re here - not just to ease physical discomfort, but to nurture your entire being. And sometimes, that means releasing a bit more than just muscle tension.

The Takeaway

The next time you find yourself on the treatment table and those unexpected emotions start to surface, remember this: it’s all part of the process. Your body is speaking up, finally letting go of what it’s been holding onto, and that’s something to embrace, not shy away from.

So, book your next session with an open mind and an open heart. Come ready to release whatever your body has been storing - physically and emotionally. And know that whatever happens on that table, you’re in good hands, and it’s all welcome here.

Because healing isn’t just about the body; it’s about the whole you. And that’s something worth celebrating.

See you soon. Book your massage therapy session at my Home Clinic in Goudhurst. If you enjoy my content and would like to support me you can buy me a hot chocolate!


An image showing James massaging his client's shoulders

Photo by Guido Mandozzi for James Hurst

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